God, the Father September: The Father Preserves and Protects His Household. Read Exodus 1-20. Make a note or highlight of each time God said the words “I will” or “I shall” in these chapters. Make one list of the times when “I will” was something God was going to do to the enemies of Israe…
Month of Reaching Out Read the book of 1 Peter this month. Memorize 2:9-11. Make a note of each time suffering or trials or pain is mentioned. See if you can also make a list of promised benefits of suffering. Does suffering sanctify us? Give scriptures to prove your answer. How does su…
1 Corinthians Read the book of 1 Corinthians. Chapter 1 - What "foolish" things does God use to call us? What four things does Jesus have that we need in order to be in God's holy presence? Chapter 2 - How is it that we become spiritual...that is, how, exactly are the thing…
The Gospel of Matthew Two people were sanctified in chapter one. Who? Who was sanctified in chapter three? Fishermen were sanctified in chapter four? Who? As you read the Sermon on the Mount, list the different contrasts that Jesus made between the way the Jews were accustomed to thin…