Knowing God Study | September 2015

God, the Father

September: The Father Preserves and Protects His Household.

Read Exodus 1-20.
Make a note or highlight of each time God said the words “I will” or “I shall” in these chapters.
Make one list of the times when “I will” was something God was going to do to the enemies of Israel and another list when it was something good He was going to do to protect or preserve Israel.

Research each of the plagues and try to find any connection between the specific plague and a god (idol) in Egypt. Make a note of each specific affront God was making to Egyptian idolatry.

Start your search at

Notice how God was attempting to protect Israel from false worship (in the statements made in the plagues and in chapter 20). What sorts of maladies happen to nations when we place our confidence in other entities besides the living God?

Make a short list of those entities that are threatening the strength of the spiritual kingdom (the church) today.

Read Psalm 106, Colossians 3, and II Corinthians 6.

Pray that we, as women of God, may keep ourselves from idols and for the Father.

**Please note the original source of this study is found here.  This is placed here for convenience of our local study group.