Sanctified Study | June 2015

1 Corinthians

Read the book of 1 Corinthians.

Chapter 1 - What "foolish" things does God use to call us?  What four things does Jesus have that we need in order to be in God's holy presence?

Chapter 2 - How is it that we become spiritual...that is, how, exactly are the things of God revealed by the Spirit (vs. 13)?

Chapter 3 - What were the obstacles that were in the Corinthians' way of being sanctified and holy (spiritual)?

Chapter 4 - List the things from this passage that the apostles had to endure because of their faith?  Read 2 Corinthians 11 and complete this list as it relates to Paul, personally.

Chapter 5 - This is probably the most overlooked chapter in all of Paul's writings in the church today.  What is God's plan for keeping the body pure and sanctified?  If we do not do this, are we the fully restored New Testament church?  Why or why not?  Read 2 Thessalonians 3:6.

Chapter 6 - Should our physical bodies be sanctified?  How?

Chapter 7 - Can a woman be sanctified in a sexual relationship outside of marriage?
Is it possible for a woman to be sanctified and yet married to an unbeliever?
How long is a woman bound to her husband?  Would a sanctified woman ever choose to marry a man who is not sanctified man?  Give reasons for your answers.

Chapter 8 - How important should the sanctification of our brothers and sisters be to us?  See if you can make an application from verse 13 to us today about how we dress, act, choose entertainment, etc...

Chapter 9 - In what verse does Paul make the distinction between carnal or fleshly material things and the spiritual, or sanctified?  In the context, what is the spiritual and what is the carnal?

Chapter 10 - Is there any sense in which the physical rock from which the water came in Exodus 17 was sanctified for a holy purpose?  Who is the spiritual rock?  Is the spiritual rock sanctified?

Chapter 11 - Is there a sense in which the communion emblems are set apart for a holy purpose?  Is the Lord's Supper sanctified?  If it is holy, then do we profane it when we eat and drink thoughtlessly?  Substantiate your answer from the passage.

Chapter 12 - Were the miraculous spiritual gifts (abilities to speak in foreign languages (tongues) gifts given for a specific holy purpose?  Were they, then sanctified gifts?

Chapter 13 - List the attributes of love in this chapter.  Can we be sanctified without these attributes?  Give reasons for your answers from this chapter.  How does this chapter give evidence that we are no longer able to perform miracles?  Does sanctification today involve our performance of miracles?

Chapter 14 - Paul made the case that prophesying was a richer spiritual gift than speaking in foreign languages?  Why did he make this claim?  Does sanctification....being his holy people always involve teaching others?  Can you give passages for your answer?

Chapter 15 - In this chapter, a contrast is made between our earthly bodies (flesh and blood) and our spiritual selves.  It is interesting to notice that upon the resurrection in baptism, we became sanctified to life a new life (Romans 6:3-6).  At that point we became spiritual and not carnal (so long as we are walking in the light).  But up to the point of the "twinkling of an eye" (v52), our spiritual selves were housed in the flesh and blood.  In this moment of change (v 52), though, the whole of us becomes spiritual, we completely leave all of the carnal, and we become sinless...completely holy.  Let us strive to sanctify ourselves as we live, so that we may be wholly holy when we die.

Chapter 16 - Memorize v 22.  We really need to be quoting that in our minds as we interact with our culture of tolerance at all cost.

**Please note the original source of this study is found here.  This is placed here for convenience of our local study group.