Sanctified Study | May 2015

The Gospel of Matthew

Two people were sanctified in chapter one.  Who?

Who was sanctified in chapter three?

Fishermen were sanctified in chapter four?  Who?

As you read the Sermon on the Mount, list the different contrasts that Jesus made between the way the Jews were accustomed to thinking (the old law) and the way Jesus was calling them to think (new covenant).  Does sanctification sometimes include transformation by renewing our minds?  Read Romand 12:1, 2.

Twelve were sanctified in chapter 10.  Who?

Memorize Jesus' call to sanctification in Matthew 11:28-30.  How is being set apart for Christ a "restful" sanctification?

Notice the Parable of the Tares in Matthew 13.  It seems that God has no trouble knowing who His people are and one day, the separation will be eternal.  It's very important that we are products of the good seed, for everything else is among the tares.

It is interesting to notice what happened to John the Baptist in chapter 14.  This occurred because he taught that it was wrong for Herod to be with a certain woman.  Are we different from the culture around us when we teach the sinfulness of divorce and the doctrine of Matthew 19:9 about marriage, divorce and remarriage?  Why do you think this teaching sets us apart from the world around us?  Why are we in stark contrast to our culture when we talk about this subject?  Was this a pretty important concept to John the Baptist?

What does chapter 15 teach about "rooting up"?

What does chapter 16 teach us about Our material possessions? Should they be sanctified for God's purposes - all of them?  Why or why not?

In Chapter 23, Christ gives a stern rebuke to the religious leaders of His day.  What are some ways that the 21st century church is and must be sanctified (set apart) from the religions of today?  Can you find some of these ways in Matthew 23?

List everything that was set apart for a holy purpose in Matthew 26.  There are quite a few things.

Matthew 27 is the climax of the Bible's sanctification theme.  This chapter hearkens back to the passover lamb, the priesthood and the veil and reaches forward to the symbolism in baptism.  The even of this chapter is the only way we can have the washing and sanctification of 1 Corinthians 6:9.  Please read this verse now.

It is very important to remember that, from this point on, God's call to sanctification comes through the Spirit's revealed Word and the sanctification comes through the blood, contacted at the point of baptism.  Unlike many who were sanctified by God under the Old Law, we CHOOSE to be sanctified in baptism and holy living, or to remain in the world.  God has chosen, in turn, those who are obedient for sanctification.

Read Jesus' prayer in John 17.  Memorize verse 17.

**Please note the original source of this study is found here.  This is placed here for convenience of our local study group.