Sanctified Study | August 2015

Month of Reaching Out

Read the book of 1 Peter this month.  Memorize 2:9-11.  Make a note of each time suffering or trials or pain is mentioned.  See if you can also make a list of promised benefits of suffering.  Does suffering sanctify us?  Give scriptures to prove your answer.  How does suffering allow us to be partakers with Christ?  When we are partakers with Him, we are sanctified!

The challenge for August is to reach out to someone who may be struggling in their attempts to leave the world and be holy.  Choose one or more of the following ways to encourage holiness in the body where you are.  If this is hard for you, remember that it's the hard things that help us to be partakers with the Christ!

1.  Write a letter to a younger woman and tell her that you are praying for her daily as she faces the rough decisions of her school or workplace.  Tell her you are "here for her" when she needs encouragement.

2.  Ask a weaker member of the body to have a weekly study with you about sanctification.  You should be ready for this.

3.  Make a phone call to someone who is haphazard in attendance to let her know she is missed and ask if she is okay.

4.  Purchase a Christian parenting book written by one of our faithful brothers or sisters for parents who are struggling to bring their young children up in the ways of the Lord.  Write a note in the cover and tell them you appreciate the way they are trying to be godly parents in this tough world.

5.  Purchase a book about teen purity for a struggling teen in your congregation.  Offer to talk to her about the book.

6.  Sit besides someone at services who is struggling with a sin problem.  Let him or her know that you are keeping him/her in prayer.

7.  Have a ladies prayer group meeting in your home and just pray, pray, for the sanctification of the body.

8.  If your congregation is one which does not practice the withdrawal of 1 Corinthians 5, go to your elders and meekly ask them to help you win back those who are in sin by faithful practicing this command.  Godly elders will respond well to a kind spirit of obedience.

9.  Purchase a book about future church leadership to give to one or more boys in your congregation to help insure faithful leadership for the sanctified body in the year 2035.

10.  Read Galatians 6:1 and decide another approach you will take this month to try and restore the one who is overtaken.  Remember to wear the spirit of meekness.

**Please note the original source of this study is found here.  This is placed here for convenience of our local study group.