Bible Study Guide For All Ages

There are so many bible curriculums that it can be overwhelming.  We have both taught bible classes through the years, often using resources such as Faith Foundations.  Several years ago, Melissa began using Bible Study Guide to complement and enhance the Faith Foundations curriculum giving the kid…

Sanctified Study | September 2014

It is amazing how a little seed can grow.  A small group of ladies made a commitment in September 2013 to study the bible in more depth.  We knew it would be intensive, even difficult at times, but after completing our first year I believe I can speak for all involved, the study …

VBS | Esther

We were excited to help with VBS this year.  The theme was "Digging Deep into God's Word" and we were to choose our favorite bible character.  We had a hard time narrowing it down, but finally decided on Esther.  We had so much fun preparing!   While God's name is not mentioned o…

Bulletin Board Storage

We love seeing how others organize their classrooms and thought we would share our current way of organizing our bulletin board items.  While the * clear vinyl bulletin board organizers are great, it can be rather costly, especially if you have lots of bulletin board sets to here is o…