VBS | Esther

We were excited to help with VBS this year.  The theme was "Digging Deep into God's Word" and we were to choose our favorite bible character.  We had a hard time narrowing it down, but finally decided on Esther.  We had so much fun preparing!   While God's name is not mentioned once in the entire book of Esther, we see the story of Esther unfold and witness the power of God over the plans of men.
We began by allowing each child to decorate their very own crown to wear while we told the story of Esther.  The children sat around the banquet table and we had a feast during the appropriate time of the story that consisted of grapes, crackers and cheese.  Near the end of our time together, each child received a signet ring like the King with a small piece of clay so they could make a seal, just like the King did to make a new decree.  We also went "old school" and used Betty Luken's felt to reiterate the story.  

We really wanted the story to come to life for the children.  Many of the children walked in and said, "Wow! This looks like a castle!"  The children felt extra-special getting to hold the King's scepter and re-enact the scene of Esther being welcomed into the royal court.