Acts Memory Crutches

We have been in our church building for six plus years and our bulletin boards are continually evolving.  A couple of my boards had been stagnant for awhile and I decided it was time to do a bit of a facelift and rearrange some things.  

I had originally used the Acts Alphabet letters that can be purchased from Bible Class Workshop for several years.  I had added some additional information to each of the letters and these served me well, however, the kids sometimes got confused correlating the alphabet to each chapter, which spurned me to make my own numbers for each chapter.  


I will continue to put the Acts Alphabet letters to use, they will just be utilized in a different manner. :)

These number crutches (in photo below) were so much fun to make and the files can be downloaded for use in your Bible class.  They are ready to be printed on white card stock, cut out if desired and laminated for durability.   

I also decided to change the bulletin board where the memory crutches were to be displayed, and because it is smaller in size, I had to sacrifice by making the numbers a little smaller than the alphabet letters.  Being that the numbers aren't quite as busy as the letters, I did not mind going down some in size.  

Acts Number Memory Crutches

The children love having these memory crutches on the wall!  The next time we go through Acts, I may even consider covering the chapters/numbers with laminated card stock (similar to how we did the Judges here) This would allow a new number to be revealed as we progress through each chapter.