Sanctified Study | October 2014

The Sanctification of Moses and the Israelites 1.  Read Hebrews 11:23-29 2.  Read Exodus 1-27 making notes on the following points of sanctification. Exodus 1 The Line is Drawn Exodus 2 Moses' Choice/Covenant Remembered Exodus 3 Moses' Call Exodus 4 Obstacles in Answer…

Prayer Journal

After we began our first digging deep study, I realized a great need to improve my personal prayer life. This led to some discussion with our study group and I realized I was not alone in feeling spiritually inadequate with my prayer life.  While I pray daily, I found that between all of the daily …

Bible Study Guide For All Ages

There are so many bible curriculums that it can be overwhelming.  We have both taught bible classes through the years, often using resources such as Faith Foundations.  Several years ago, Melissa began using Bible Study Guide to complement and enhance the Faith Foundations curriculum giving the kid…

Sanctified Study | September 2014

It is amazing how a little seed can grow.  A small group of ladies made a commitment in September 2013 to study the bible in more depth.  We knew it would be intensive, even difficult at times, but after completing our first year I believe I can speak for all involved, the study …