Review Game

At the end of each quarter we plan to combine our younger and older elementary classes for a review day.   We just completed our FIRST review day and the children seemed to enjoy it immensely! We had four main categories 1.   Bible Facts & Places 2.   Rotten Apples (Bad characters in the B…

Bible Challenges

I used these punch cards to track the students progress with memory work.  Each quarter we have basic bible drill information that is sent home for students to review at home.  Once the card is completely punched they get a little surprise!

Knowing God | May 2016

May: God, the Holy Spirit  | The Book of Joel and Gift of Holy Spirit (Some of the material presented in the following sections of the study are taken from an excellent book on the topic written and compiled by Franklin Camp called “The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption.” This book is av…

Knowing God | April 2016

April: The Savior of "Whosoever Will" Read Luke 9-18.  This is the part of Luke that is, for the most part, not included in the other gospels. It is replete with passages that show that the Son is the Savior of the common man, that the gospel is not reserved for the religious…