Knowing God | May 2016

May: God, the Holy Spirit  | The Book of Joel and Gift of Holy Spirit

(Some of the material presented in the following sections of the study are taken from an excellent book on the topic written and compiled by Franklin Camp called “The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption.”

This book is available for this study from It will enhance your study, but it is not at all necessary to purchase the book to complete the study.

This study of the Holy Spirit is based on the premise that His purpose has always been to reveal the will of God to mankind and then to confirm that revealed will. Understanding that this has always been His purpose is key to understanding how he works today.

From His first mention in Genesis 1:2 to His last Old Testament mention in Malachi 2:15, we find Him specifically mentioned in 22 of the 39 Old Testament books (Herbert Lockyer, All About the Holy Spirit; Hendrickson Pub. p.44).

Read the book of Joel. Highlight the portion that is referenced by Peter in Acts 2.
Read Acts 2. Highlight the word “this” in verses 6, 12, 16 and 33.

What is “this” according to Acts 2:16-21. Is “this” miraculous or non-miraculous? If you had been present at Pentecost and had heard the words of Peter in verse 38, would you have expected to receive a miraculous or non-miraculous gift upon your baptism? Re-read the following passages about the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Beside each passage in your Bible or notebook, note whether the gift mentioned was miraculous or nonmiraculous (from the context).
Acts 2:1-4
Acts 2:12
Acts 2:16-21
Acts 2: 33

Read Acts 8. In this chapter, there is an obvious way that miraculous gifts were transferred from apostles to new Christians. What was that way? Why did the people of Samaria have to wait for Peter and John to come before they could have the gift of the Holy Spirit? Below is a list of passages that mention the gift of the Holy Spirit. Read each passage and beside the reference in your notebook, indicate whether the gift mentioned was miraculous or non-miraculous. You can tell from the context.

Acts 8:20
Acts 10:45
Acts 11:17
Eph. 3:7 (check out vs. 3)
Eph. 4:7
Now compare Mark 16:16, 17 to Acts 2:38.

Mark: Believe - Baptize - Saved - these signs shall follow believers

Acts: Repent - Be Baptized-  Remission of Sins-  ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

From the scriptures below (and the fact that the gift of the Holy Spirit was given by the “laying on of the apostles’ hands, let’s determine when the miraculous gifts ceased.

Read Daniel 9: 20-27
Read Luke 21.
Matthew 24:15

Notice that Jesus quoted Daniel when he was foretelling the destruction of Jerusalem. Highlight this part of both the Daniel and Luke passages.

Admittedly the Daniel prophecy is challenging. But there are some things we can know from this passage: 1. The Messiah was coming to Jerusalem 2. He would die. 3. His death was to make an end to sin and reconcile to God 4. He would bring forgiveness of sins (everlasting righteousness). 5. There would be a destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

Highlight the phrase “seal up the vision and prophecy.” Let’s discuss what this might mean when we gather.

**Please note the original source of this study is found here.  This is placed here for convenience of our local study group.  

1 comment

  1. Great article Kimberly. The Holy Spirit was passed on by the laying on of hands,(miraculous) and the age and need of miracles has ended, and the Holy Scriptures have been delivered by inspiration thus there is no more indwelling today other than putting the Word of God into our minds and hearts.
