For the month of December follow the guidelines below. Study through the book " Women of Deliverance " keeping all notes and answers in your notebook. Listen to the podcast . (You may need to register for an account).
For the month of November follow the guidelines below. Study through the book of " Women of the Genesis " and complete all questions in your notebook. Listen to the podcast (You may have to register for an account).
For the month of October follow the guidelines below. Read through the book of Exodus. Be in search mode for comparisons between its events and our passover, the new law, the new covenant, and the new priesthood, and the sacrifice of Christ. Write down each old testament shadow and try to f…
We have found it helpful to offer a pre-class activity for students as they first arrive to bible class. This is a great way to review previous bible stories and keep students occupied as the teacher(s) visit with the children, greet visitors or take roll right before class begins. To do this w…