We are so proud of all of our students for their hard work and dedication this year! We completed 26 weeks of study on Sunday evenings learning about God’s plan recorded in the 66 books of the Bible. This past Sunday, we celebrated our completion with an awards assembly during class. Want to beco…
Engage your children (or even adults) with this vivid visual about how God created our world! This educational printable can be used as a visual, bulletin board display, or flip chart to help students learn about the first seven days of creation. Read the creation story from Genesis 1:1-2:3. This…
God designed families to be a source of love, support and strength for us. Perfect for the pre-school age in Bible class, family time or homeschool setting. Engage your pre-school students with a flip chart that teaches how God loves the family. And because it is close to Valentine's Day, yo…
This flip chart is a wonderful visual to teach the concept of bearing good fruits for God. Fruits that stay on the vine are coming into their sweetest form. We want to become sweet and ripe "Fruit" for God. This visual is appropriate for pre-school-5th grade, but I could see myself ope…